School of Engineering and 计算机科学

Engineering Center, Room 301
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4479
Dean's Office: (248) 370-2217
学术顾问: (248) 370-2201

迈克尔一个. Latcha, Ph值.D.

迈克尔·A的大头照. Latcha副教授
机械工程 Department
416 EC; (248) 370-2203; Fax: (248) 370-4261
www.秒.奥克兰.edu/ ~ latcha


  • Ph.D., 机械工程, Wayne State University, 底特律MI, August 1989.
  • MS, 机械工程, Wayne State University, December 1985.
  • BS, 机械工程, Wayne State University, May 1981. 以优异的成绩.


  • Machine Design - modeling, analysis, simulation and fabrication of electro-mechanical 系统
  • 数值方法
  • 材料力学
  • 动力学、振动


  • Modeling, analysis, simulation and fabrication of electro-mechanical
  • Numerical methods, computational mechanics
  • Modeling of multi-body dynamic 系统
  • Structural, numerical and visco-thermal acoustics


  • 9月1日993 to present - 副教授, Department of 机械工程, 十大菠菜台子, 罗切斯特邮编48309. 研究 interests: Modeling of multi-body dynamic 系统; structural, numerical and viscothermal acoustics; vibrations; computational mechanics; machine design; 数值方法. Courses taught: CADrafting; statics; dynamics; vibrations; mechanics of materials; machine design, 数值方法.
  • February 2001 to November 2001 - Acting Associate Dean, SECS, 十大菠菜台子
  • Summer 1992-95, 1997, 1999 - U.S. Army Summer 教师 研究 Engineer, Tank-Automotive Command, Warren, MI.
  • August 1986 to August 1993 - Assistant Professor, Department of 机械工程, 十大菠菜台子.
  • May 1981 to August 1986 - Wayne State University Fellow; Instructor, 教学 and 研究 Assistant, Department of 机械工程; Wayne State University, 底特律MI.


  • 成员, American Society of Engineering 教育
  • 成员, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • 评论家, ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics
  • 成员, Tau β, National Engineering Honor Society
  • 荣誉毕业生委员 τ SigmaME荣誉学会
  • Withrow Award for 教学 Excellence, OU, 1998
  • Engineering Student-教师 Award for 教学 Excellence, WSU, 1982,83
  • 1988年密歇根大学FE/EIT考试


1. Melting-Pot Senior Design at OU: 10 Years of Lessons Learned, M. 拉恰和M. Zohdy, Proceedings of the 2014 ASEE North Central Conference, ASEE

2. Melting Pot Design at 十大菠菜台子, M.A. Latcha D. Debnath,我. Elhajj E. 顾,R.E. Haskell, Proceedings of the Engineering Capstone Design Course Conference, 2007

3. The Melting Pot Approach to Senior Design Part II: Assessment and 改进, M.A. Latcha,年代. Ganesan E. 顾,R.E. Haskell, Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE North Central Conference, ASEE

4. The Melting Pot Approach to Senior Design, M.A. Latcha,年代. Ganesan E. 顾,R.E. Haskell, Proceedings of the 2004 ASEE North Central Conference, ASEE


  • National Science Foundation CCLI Program, 2001-2003, "Robotic Assembly Cell," R.P. Van Til - PI, S. 森古普塔,R.J. 斯罗达瓦和M.A. Latcha, Grant #DUE-0087984, $53,859; In-kind equipment grant, Kuka KR3 robotic manipulator (with S. 森古普塔,R.J. 斯罗达瓦和M.A. Latcha), Kuka Development Laboratories, $34,779.
  • Games and Toys Design Competition, Random Games and Toys, 1998, $5,000, PI. 芭芭拉·奥克利,副主任.
  • National Science Foundation, 10月1日, 1996年9月30日, 2000, "Development of High Speed Shearographic Instrument for Measuring Time-Dependent Deformation," Y.Y. 挂,我.D. Hovanesian Y.L. 顾,M. A. 拉恰和S. Vishnubhotla, 214000美元.
  • U.S. Army Tank-Automotive Command/Battelle Scientific Services, 9月1日, 1996年5月24日, 1997, "Object-Oriented Approach to the Modeling and Simulation of Multibody Dynamic Systems," $30,000.
  • Michigan Space Grant Consortium, 7月1日, 1996 - 6月30日, 1997, "Photoacoustic Spectroscopy as a Non-Invasive Method of Pressure Measurement," $8,000.
  • U.S. Army Tank-Automotive Command/Battelle Scientific Services, 2月1日, 1995年5月26日, 1995, "Development and Documentation of a Symbolically Optimized Vehicle Analysis System," $29,740.
  • U.S. Army Tank-Automotive Command/Battelle Scientific Services, 2月1日, 1993年5月31日, 1993, "Development of a General Numerical Technique for Acoustic Radiation and Scattering," $19,392.